What Am I Worth?
Hope, Budgeting Steve Watkins Hope, Budgeting Steve Watkins

What Am I Worth?

“What am I worth?” That question can imply different things, depending on your perspective. The world typically bases a person’s worth on appearance, possessions, and accomplishments. When thinking in financial terms, this is commonly referred to as Net Worth.

On the other hand, self-worth based upon the value God has placed on us is Christ-centered and goes way beyond what we can dream or imagine. So while it’s helpful to understand our Financial Net Worth, I would argue that it’s even more important to come to grips with our value to God.

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Spot That Scam!
Security, Hope Steve Watkins Security, Hope Steve Watkins

Spot That Scam!

Let's Appreciate the Good - and Watch Out for the Bad. At least two types of people are showing up during the pandemic. Many people are digging in to help in whatever ways they can—cook meals, donate money, volunteer time, etc. But others are looking to make some easy money off other's misfortune.

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Yes, You Can!
Fearless, Hope Steve Watkins Fearless, Hope Steve Watkins

Yes, You Can!

"E" represents an Event or circumstance. Oftentimes, things happen over which we have no control. Take the COVID-19 pandemic for example. We can easily make the case that we have little to no control over how this virus spreads. We didn't cause it, but here we are dealing with it. The same can be said of many events and circumstances in life.

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