Why You Need an Emergency Fund
Emergency Fund Steve Watkins Emergency Fund Steve Watkins

Why You Need an Emergency Fund

I believe one of the most alarming trends in the US today is that so many people tend to live from paycheck to paycheck. Our culture seems to see this as normal behavior - that whole “Keeping Up With the Jones’” mentality seems to be the norm for many people.

If you don’t believe me, try searching “how much Americans have in their savings accounts” in your favorite search engine. You’ll see that the majority of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Some studies will estimate 58% - others will estimate 69% - regardless of which study you believe, we can conclude that the hypothetical Jones’ everyone is trying to keep up with are practically broke.

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Stimulus Checks Are Coming… Oh My!

Stimulus Checks Are Coming… Oh My!

Several friends and family members have mentioned to me that they've received their stimulus checks from the IRS within the last week or so.  Many are also receiving income tax refunds around this time.  As a result, I've been reflecting on the best way to manage this money, and I suppose others are too.  So allow me to share my thoughts and recommendations.

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Navigating Personal Finances Amidst COVID-19
Budgeting, Debt Snowball, Emergency Fund, Fearless Steve Watkins Budgeting, Debt Snowball, Emergency Fund, Fearless Steve Watkins

Navigating Personal Finances Amidst COVID-19

I'm continuing my theme of overcoming fear.  Why?  Because, it is so difficult to make rational decisions when we are in a state of fear.  It's important that we remember 1 Timothy 1:7, where we are reminded the God has given us a spirit of Power, of Love and of Sound Judgement.  Let's break down this verse…

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