Getting Started is Simple

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Book a Free Consultation with Me

This is where the work begins. During our first 1-2 coaching sessions, we will take your stated goals and desires and begin molding them into a workable plan.

We will work together to refine your goals into SMART Goals - goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Sensitive.

We will plan the optimal sequence of events - ensuring that the goals are worked in order to maximize your personal return on investment.

The plan we build together will become your plan - I will listen and understand your goals, and guide you, but the plan will be your plan.

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Create a Plan Together

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Walk the Plan Together

We will spend 60 minutes together in an initial video meeting (in the office or via Zoom). We'll get to know one another. I'll gain a better understanding of your goals and desires, and we can determine if financial coaching is a good fit for you or not. If you’re married, it will be important for both of you to join all sessions, including the initial consultation.

This is where the real fun begins! Once we have your plan developed, then we work the plan together.

You’ll ask questions, share your challenges and opportunities, and we will work together to find ways to achieve your goals - together.

We will measure your progress, you will learn through doing, and you will build financial “muscle-memory” - meaning that doing the work will become easier the longer you do it. Similar to a physical exercise program.

This step varies in length, but typically takes around five to six months. My goal is that by walking the plan together, you will learn to walk forward on your own or as a couple.