Get In The Arena!
Budgeting, Debt Snowball Steve Watkins Budgeting, Debt Snowball Steve Watkins

Get In The Arena!

I’m not referring to Rupp Arena in Lexington or the YUM Center in Louisville, Kentucky. I’m talking about the arena of life, and specifically our financial lives.

Check out this quote from Theodore Roosevelt’s speech titled "Citizenship In A Republic", delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris, France on April 23, 1910.

"It is not the critic who counts;

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Inbox Overflowing? Mail Piling Up? Just TRAF It!
Budgeting, Insurance Steve Watkins Budgeting, Insurance Steve Watkins

Inbox Overflowing? Mail Piling Up? Just TRAF It!

One of the things I’ve seen people struggle with consistently is staying caught up with their mail - both physical and electronic mail. You might be wondering, “What does this have to do with my money?” I’ll do my best to answer that for you by the end of this article.

Let’s start with a little history. Prior to electronic mail, most of my business was handled over the phone. I had always been committed to answering my phone and returning messages within 24 hours. I typically stayed pretty-well caught up with my phone calls and messages.

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What Am I Worth?
Hope, Budgeting Steve Watkins Hope, Budgeting Steve Watkins

What Am I Worth?

“What am I worth?” That question can imply different things, depending on your perspective. The world typically bases a person’s worth on appearance, possessions, and accomplishments. When thinking in financial terms, this is commonly referred to as Net Worth.

On the other hand, self-worth based upon the value God has placed on us is Christ-centered and goes way beyond what we can dream or imagine. So while it’s helpful to understand our Financial Net Worth, I would argue that it’s even more important to come to grips with our value to God.

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Planning is the Key to Retiring
Retirement Savings, Budgeting Steve Watkins Retirement Savings, Budgeting Steve Watkins

Planning is the Key to Retiring

One of my favorite shows to watch is Caribbean Life - a novel program that helps you imagine what living on an island might be like. You watch individuals, couples and even families look at real estate on beautiful islands in the Bahamas, Virgin Islands, and beyond. Their home-buying budgets range from less than $100,000 to over a million dollars. I’m not sure I’m cut out to leave all of my family, friends, and neighbors to live on an island, as beautiful and lush as it may be. But it is fun to dream and imagine!

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Budgeting 101
Budgeting Steve Watkins Budgeting Steve Watkins

Budgeting 101

Let’s assume you’ve never made a budget before, and we’re starting from scratch. First of all, remember that your budget is your plan.  It’s not a set of handcuffs that restrict what you can do. It’s simply a plan where you decide where your money will go.

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Navigating Personal Finances Amidst COVID-19
Budgeting, Debt Snowball, Emergency Fund, Fearless Steve Watkins Budgeting, Debt Snowball, Emergency Fund, Fearless Steve Watkins

Navigating Personal Finances Amidst COVID-19

I'm continuing my theme of overcoming fear.  Why?  Because, it is so difficult to make rational decisions when we are in a state of fear.  It's important that we remember 1 Timothy 1:7, where we are reminded the God has given us a spirit of Power, of Love and of Sound Judgement.  Let's break down this verse…

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