Yes, You Can!

Yes You Can.png

E + R = O


I was reminded this morning of a formula that has served me well over many years.  

"E" represents an Event or circumstance.  Oftentimes, things happen over which we have no control.  Take the COVID-19 pandemic for example.  We can easily make the case that we have little to no control over how this virus spreads.  We didn't cause it, but here we are dealing with it.  The same can be said of many events and circumstances in life.

"R" represents our Response to the event or circumstance in question.  We have 100% control over how we respond to each and every situation.  Even this pandemic that we find ourselves in the middle of.

"O" represents the Outcome of the situation.  While it's true that we can't control the COVID-19 situation or many other circumstances and events we encounter through life, we can control our response to these situations.  How we respond impacts the Outcome that we and others around us experience!

The message I hope you receive from this is that we must recognize the things we cannot control and focus on what we can control.  By doing so, we can ensure an improved outcome.

Who Do You Want to Be?

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Let me challenge you to examine this chart and see where you are landing.  See if you are finding yourself identifying more with the Fearful, Learning or Growing Zones.

I hope that you will strive to consider how you are responding to the events in your life right now, and strive to move toward the Growing zone.

Let me offer you Philippians 4:13 as a word of encouragement.  

"I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

This verse reminds us that although we can control how we respond to circumstances, events and situations, it's often difficult to find the strength within ourselves.  We can be encouraged that Christ is with us to provide the strength we need to grow into who we were made to be.

Steve Watkins

After a 32-year executive career at UPS, I retired at age 55 and now teach others how to be smart with their money. Whether you are an individual, couple, or small business owner, opportunities to eliminate debt, maximize profits, and build wealth abound! I am delighted to meet new people, hear their stories, and help them achieve their goals!

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