Watkins Money Coaching

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Do you have the Luck O' the Irish?

Maybe you're like me and have some Irish heritage.  While I enjoy going to the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and spending time with friends and family, I'm not leaving my financial future up to luck.

I just finished leading Week 2 of Financial Peace University at Sojourn Church Midtown in Louisville, KY.  It was amazing to see over half the class take the important step of cutting up their credit cards!

I heard additional stories of people switching grocery stores, selling cars, even simplifying wedding plans - all in an effort to crush debt!  These folks are committed to getting a handle on their financial future, and are making the necessary sacrifices today in order to have better financial lives in the future!

Do you need a hand getting your debt under control?  Book a consultation with me.

I love the message of this verse. The context around it is from the perspective of a loving father towards his child who has taken on debt. This is a reminder that our Heavenly Father tells us to run from debt - just as fast as we can!

This doesn't mean we abandon our debts - but that we repay them in full and never become indebted again!  

It doesn't mean that He loves us any less if we have debt - just that He knows we're better off without it!

I'm praying that you have a blessed financial future.  Get started today!